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Follicle Unit Extraction

Which is also called STICHLESS, SCARLESS technique.

FUE stands for Follicle Unit Extraction, now a day it is called Follicular Unit Excision..

In this technique the hair follicle units (graft) are extracted with micropunches from donor area (back and side of head/other body part). Then these follicular units (graft) are implanted in bald area by making small holes.

Hair follicles from the permanent donor area are taken and implanted in the recipient area. Donor area commonly is back side of the head but extra scalp donor area like beard, chest and other parts are also used.

Hair grows after 3-4 months of implantation.

Follicles are extracted from permanent zone (androgen resistant area) so transplanted hair usually don’t fall in future. And by an expert hair transplant surgeon graft are placed in predetermine pattern, angle and density so gives natural looking results.

This is a day-care (patient go home after procedure) procedure, done under local anesthesia (patient remain conscious during procedure) and whole procedure takes 6-8hrs. Patient can resume their work very next day.

In the last few years, FUE Hair Transplant is the method of choice for most of the patients, Reason is very obvious-

1. In FUE no skin strip is harvested so no linear scar and scar related problems like hypertrophy /keloid, infection, sensory loss.

2. Only tiny holes that heal quickly, so very less post operative pain. Can join their job very next day.

3. Graft can be harvested from other body areas. So no limitations of donor area.


The biggest advantage of FUE Hair Transplant is we can harvest hair roots from the area other than the scalp. When follicles are taken from another part of the body other than the scalp it is called “Body Hair Transplant” (BHT).

Even grade VII patients, who are using hair patch is getting a good hair transplant result at KOSMETIC CLINIQUE by the combination of FUE and Body hair transplant.

Currently FUE method of hair transplant is widely accepted technique and gives excellent natural results. FOLLOWING ARE STEPS IN FUE HAIR TRANSPLANT TECHNIQUE

Step 1 . – Planning and markings by surgeon – Surgeon draws the hairline and show you bald area. Then bald area are markings are shown in mirror to patient. After patients approves the markings . Surgeon calculates the area in square centimeters and decides the number of grafts required to cover area. Planning is most important step in hair transplant . Inadequate planning may give you inadequate density and unnatural results .

Step 2 . – Anesthesia – To make your area pain free during surgery – Local anesthesia is given in both bald area and donor area . To reduce pain we use Buffered local anesthesia at AKESO which causes 50 – 80 % less pain than normal anesthesia injections.

Step 3. Slit pattern making – Then Slits ( holes ) are made in bald area ( Recipient area ) which determine hair direction , density , distribution , hairline level and zig zag pattern of hairline. This is called channel making or slit making or slit pattern . Slit patterns decides natural look of your hair transplant so it should be always done by surgeon .

Step 4. Hair extraction by hair graft punch – The Punching or scoring is done by modified needle ( called Hair graft Punch ) . Punch has diameter of 0.7 mm – 0.9 mm . Punch tip is like hollow pipe. The edge of this pipe is sharp. Typically hair goes inside the cavity of pipe. Edge of this pipe cuts skin and other attachments around your hair so that hair graft or follicular unit gets free of its attachments

Step 5 . Pulling out of hair graft with forceps – Once hair graft has been detached from surrounding skin by hair graft punch , we can easily pull it out with forceps . THis comes out of your body and it is called hair graft after that.

Step 6. Insertion of graft into slits – These hair grafts are then inserted in slits ( holes of bald area made by surgeon ) of bald area.

Modifications OF FUE

1.Robotic hair transplant-ARTAS AND S.A.F.E.R

2. BHT(Body Hair Transplant)

3. DHT(Direct Hair Transplant)

4.PHT(Powered Hair Transplant)

5. Long hair transplant

6.Special area transplantation(Eye brow, Beard, Scar)

7.Repaired hair transplants

The technique use for your hair transplant is determine by many factors like bald area (measured by baldness/hairloss scale) and donor area (donor area examination with computer software based trichoscopic analysis). Which procedure or combination of procedure most suitable for you